React Lifecycle: What You Need to Know

Amir Hosseini
3 min readJul 30, 2023


React Native Lifecycle

The React lifecycle is a chain of strategies which are called at one-of-a-kind points in the life of a React issue. These strategies can help you perform specific obligations, together with initializing country, coping with updates, and cleansing up resources.

There are 3 essential levels of the React lifecycle: mounting, updating, and unmounting.

Mounting is the procedure of making a thing and putting it into the DOM. This segment is called once, when the thing is first rendered.

Updating is the system of re-rendering a issue whilst its props or country exchange. This segment can be called a couple of instances, as long as the issue’s props or country trade.

Unmounting is the system of doing away with a thing from the DOM. This segment is called as soon as, whilst the aspect is now not wanted.

Each of those levels has a number of lifecycle methods that you could override to carry out particular duties. For instance, you can override the componentDidMount() method to initialize state, or the componentDidUpdate() technique to handle updates.

Lifecycle techniques

There are a number of lifecycle techniques that you can override in React. The maximum commonly used lifecycle strategies are:

constructor(): This method is known as when a factor is first created. You can use this approach to initialize country or carry out different setup responsibilities.
Static getDerivedStateFromProps(): This approach is called just earlier than the render() method, both at the preliminary mount and the subsequent updates. You can use this approach to calculate new kingdom based totally at the props.

Render(): This is the handiest required technique in a React issue. This approach returns the JSX that need to be rendered for the component.

ComponentDidMount(): This method is called after the thing has been rendered for the first time. You can use this approach to perform responsibilities that want to be finished after the element has been rendered, together with fetching facts or subscribing to activities.

ShouldComponentUpdate(): This method is called before the thing is up to date. You can use this approach to determine whether or not the issue ought to be updated or no longer.

ComponentDidUpdate(): This method is known as after the element has been updated. You can use this method to perform duties that need to be accomplished after the thing has been up to date, inclusive of updating the UI or firing an occasion.

ComponentWillUnmount(): This approach is called earlier than the thing is unmounted. You can use this technique to smooth up resources or carry out other cleanup obligations.

Using lifecycle methods

Lifecycle strategies are a powerful way to manipulate the conduct of your React components. By overriding the best lifecycle strategies, you can perform specific tasks at distinctive factors within the existence of a thing.

For example, you could use the componentDidMount() technique to initialize state, or the shouldComponentUpdate() method to decide whether the element have to be up to date or not.

By the use of lifecycle methods, you may write greater efficient and reusable React components.


The React lifecycle is a powerful tool that assist you to write more efficient and reusable additives. By understanding the distinct lifecycle phases and the lifecycle methods that are available, you can take manipulate of the conduct of your components and cause them to extra responsive and dynamic.

